Sixty percent of voters live in non-competitive states. In these 34 states the Electoral College votes are pre-determined because the states are so overwhelmingly Red or Blue. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are certain of who will win in each of these states. For the minority-Red voter in a Blue state or the minority-Blue voter in a Red state the vote they cast will make no difference in the election outcome.
This creates an opportunity for minority-Blue or minority-Red voters in each of these 34 states. Those voters should vote strategically by casting their ballot for either Gary Johnson (Libertarian Party) or Jill Stein (Green Party). Again, there will be no impact on the election outcome, but a tremendous potential long term improvement in the election process.
Minority-Red voters in California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington can vote for Gary Johnson and minority-Blue voters in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming can vote for Jill Stein and the election result would not change.
Voters currently stressed by the quandary they face who vote this way may feel better about the vote they cast. They currently feel they are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. Voting strategically in the manner suggested relieves them of that burden without impacting the current election and their vote may well have a positive long term impact on future presidential elections.
The stranglehold of the two major parties on our electoral process has delivered two candidates a majority see as unacceptable. These two parties block third party candidates and thus reduce the potential for a more diverse discussion in elections. The power of the two party system can only be diminished by the expansion of third party power.
Presently, third parties are challenged to even participate in presidential debates. By voting strategically in this election in the 34 nearly uncontested states third party power will be expanded considerably. In 2020 they will have a seat at the table with guaranteed participation in presidential debates.
The Libertarian Party advocates personal and economic liberty, small government, and fiscal conservatism. To learn more about them visit The Green Party advocates peace, social justice, ecology, and diversity. To learn more about them visit .
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