I recently published a new book, “Small-Town Boomers: A Nostalgic Look Back at Randolph, Massachusetts,” and it is now available on Amazon. Readers may find it interesting. Although it is specifically about Baby Boomers growing up in Randolph, any nostalgic Baby Boomer may find they have much in common with the experience. Click any of the links here to purchase on Amazon. Here is a raw link as well: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DTF92SJS
SUMMARY: Randolph, a small town about twelve miles south of Boston, Massachusetts, experienced a population explosion during the baby boom era after World War II, nearly tripling its size. To accommodate the influx of families, builders constructed hundreds of small homes that quickly filled with children. Now, those children look back nostalgically on their upbringing.This book captures the essence of growing up in a small town during this
unique period. It offers an informal history emphasizing the childhood
experiences of boomers and the small-town communities that brought them a
tremendous sense of independence and belonging.
The book is intended to provide future generations with a description of
childhood and community that increasingly seems foreign to them. By
communicating our experiences, we may offer them a different path in a world
where children feel increasingly isolated and alone.
Each chapter ends with a blank, lined page that invites readers to
personalize the book with their thoughts and memories, creating a family
heirloom to be treasured.
I hope readers will enjoy the book.
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